Explore how DocVocate and Nexsys Billing & Practice Management tackled denials management and improved process visibility through a detailed case study.

2021 CMS Makes Changes Part II Documentation & Medical Decision Making
Part II Documentation & Medical Decision Making
"CMS estimates family physicians will experience a 13% overall increase in their Medicare allowed charges in 2021."
The MGMA came out with a great study demonstrating that Hospital owned practices are losing money. INDEPENDENT Physician Practices are still struggling, but have shown they are[...]

When results are so good, you just have to share. Well we are in one of those situations. With the increasing difficulty of Physicians having on-staff Medical Billers being able[...]

Medical Billing Processes matter. They are fundamental to the success of your Practice. We recently on-boarded a new Independent Solo Practitioner who has had an on-staff biller[...]

As physicians, do you find yourself asking, “How do I know I am getting paid correctly for the services rendered to my patients?” or, “are my fees and revenues comparable to[...]

by Joanne Finnegan |

“ We are often asked by clients whether they should Grow, Grow, Grow or focus efforts on cutting some costs. Is it time to add another mid-level or bring in another provider. This[...]