Our Clients are in the Top 5% Best Performing Clinics in The U.S.

We want to Manage the Medical Billing for your Clinic. We Do It Remotely, Transparently, and Visibly, and we have done it well for over 28 years.

Let's see if you have Revenue Leakage in your office.


WHAT WE DO: We provide Medical Billing Services to Independent Practices, and we do it the right way. Transparently! The Visibility our dedicated staff brings to your Practice builds Trust and, more importantly, delivers increased revenues and more efficiency.

Giving you the support and personal touch you need to grow your practice.

Results, Responsiveness, and Transparency Set Nexsys Apart

At Nexsys we take pride in being a high-quality, value-driven partner to our clients. Nexsys was founded on the principle that Independent Physician Practices can have superior talent, experience, and knowledge at a reduced cost and with greater consistency. We have demonstrated results for our clients for over 25 years and our clinics are proudly the top-performing clinics in the country.

Let’s get started in detecting Revenue Leaks in your Clinic

Our trusted partners:

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