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A Case Study in Denials Management and Process Visibility. DocVocate and Nexsys Billing & Practice Management

Explore how DocVocate and Nexsys Billing & Practice Management tackled denials management and improved process visibility through a detailed case study.

2021 CMS Makes Changes Part II Documentation & Medical Decision Making

Part II Documentation & Medical Decision Making

2021 CMS Makes Changes and Here is how they will impact your Practice

"CMS estimates family physicians will experience a 13% overall increase in their Medicare allowed charges in 2021."

MGMA Study finds INDEPENDENT Practices perform better than Hospital owned

The MGMA came out with a great study demonstrating that Hospital owned practices are losing money. INDEPENDENT Physician Practices are still struggling, but have shown they are[...]

A 75% Increase in Revenues when Medical Billing is done properly

When results are so good, you just have to share. Well we are in one of those situations. With the increasing difficulty of Physicians having on-staff Medical Billers being able[...]

The First Day of the Launch of the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)

Update on the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) at the end of day #1, 3/3/2020

Medical Billing Processes Matter

Medical Billing Processes matter. They are fundamental to the success of your Practice. We recently on-boarded a new Independent Solo Practitioner who has had an on-staff biller[...]

FREE BILLING AUDIT for Physician practices

As physicians, do you find yourself asking, “How do I know I am getting paid correctly for the services rendered to my patients?” or, “are my fees and revenues comparable to[...]

Tipping point: AMA study finds physician practice owners no longer the majority

by Joanne Finnegan |

An administrator’s dilemma: Minimize cost or maximize revenue

“ We are often asked by clients whether they should Grow, Grow, Grow or focus efforts on cutting some costs. Is it time to add another mid-level or bring in another provider. This[...]